To Sneed or Not To Sneed

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I am starting to think that the only things YouTube is useful for are the music and tutorials ever since they took down all that anime.

Here's the thing, I was reading ThatAnimeSnob's sneed review of G Gundam, and I couldn't help but think, what's the point? Did he really learn anything that he didn't already know? I guess he enjoyed himself while he wrote it. But for how long did that joy last? Not for very long, I would bet.

"Like it, find a way to like it, or leave it." Those are the words that have been going through my mind lately.

The internet has become an incubation chamber for people's petty rancour, jealousies and related self-loathing re-branded as "criticism."

Everyone, obviously not literally everyone, is more concerned with (logical) purity of action, to get anything done. For example Randian objectivists waste their time counting one's beads, repeating the words of their idol like a Buddhist mantra when really they should be following her example, they should be writing more and longer romance novels, and worry about whether this art fits into their models of thinking later.

By the way the reason why the Objectivists are hated and made fun of by everyone is because they remind every other self-important group their own silliness and irrelevancy. For this reason I hope that there will always be Objectivists around. They are an endangered species. 

Everyone is just standing still watching everyone else, like some sort of Demented Mexican Standoff, ready to project criticism on anyone who dares to take a step in any direction.

By Otaking, or The Good Student